We encourage you to start by checking out our "Meet The Team" page. You will be able to view all of our stylists and learn more about them. You will find more details on their experience, specialities, pricing, and so much more! Find the right fit? You can book with them directly by their contact information provided on their page.


Check out our "Meet The Team" page, but if you're still not sure who to book with we ask you to fill out our New Client Form. We want to get to know you better and what you are looking for from your next stylist. We will match you with who we think will best compliment your wants and needs.


Once you've been matched, we will reach out with your stylist's contact information and do the booking for you. Contact us for any rescheduling, canceling, or any other questions regarding your appointment. Now you are all set! We can't wait to see you!