Summer is a time when our skin is constantly exposed to the sun. Whether you’re at the beach, on the lake or just out in your own yard, protecting your skin in the summer is a must. If we exfoliate, moisturize, and protect our skin, we can have healthy, beautiful skin year-round. There are things that we can do to keep our skin healthy and in top condition with these five simple summer upgrades.
1. Waxing
Shaving day in and day out especially during the summer can be a hassle. It also causes small damages in our skin that can irritate it and cause hated blemishes that we may feel stand out so that everyone can see our bad skin and all our imperfections, but waxing can help with many of those issues. Waxing also takes the hassle of stretching and bending to get those awkward spaces away, and places it on a professional that is knowledgeable about the best way to take care of our skin.
2. Facials
Facials are another way to enhance your skin simply and efficiently while relaxing. This keeps our skin protected and in the best possible condition while reducing breakouts and blemishes.
3. Get a Healthy Color
During the summer, if you’re like me, you tend to stay pasty white until you burn, but there are a ton of options that let you get a healthy summer tan without the damaging rays of the sun. While many places have natural spray tans, there are also great bronzer products that will give you some healthy color without damaging your skin or risking skin cancer.
4. Get Rid of Toxins
Summer is also a good time to get rid of your body toxins and get healthier. With nice summer days, eating and being healthier is easier than the rest of the year due to the availability of more in-season fruits and vegetables. Some of the best detox programs or things around often deal with making sure to eat organic foods and staying away from things like alcohol, sodas, candy, and caffeine While this may seem like a lot, there are so many other things that you can eat; even things that are sweet are still on the list as fruits are a great substitute for those other sugary toxins.
5. Get Fit
Along with eating better, which can help detoxify your body and increase everything from general health to healthier skin, exercising and sweating can actually not only improve your body fitness, but also improve the quality of your skin. While many think that sweating opens our skin up to acne and other imperfections, it is actually good for our skin to do a little bit here and there. The things that cause the imperfections is the dirt that comes after. Taking care of ourselves by improving our fitness and skin, upgrades our overall health so that we are always at our healthiest.
This summer, take these tips and upgrade your body, skin, and your health by staying healthy, staying away from toxins, and treating yourself to relaxing treatments.